Brothers Rugby League is the largest club in Townsville with over 800 registered Junior and Senior players in 2021. We have only a handful of paid employees who perform a great job with the day to day running of this organisation, but they can’t do everything and be everywhere. That is why we need to draw on the availability of our parents to assist as volunteers. Without our volunteers the club cannot function successfully.

We understand that everyone has busy lives, moreover, there are particular volunteer jobs parents may wish to engage in or not and that many parents are time dependent.  All parents/guardians are expected to lend a hand during the season and, while registering your child, you will need to indicate which type of general volunteering role you would prefer.  This preference is not binding but will instead help us to match people with their preferred interest when necessary.  A brief overview of the volunteer roles are listed below, but for more in depth information, head over to our Policies & Resources page

All the Coaching and Team Staff are volunteers, giving up their time each week to assist and support the children to play the game they love. Coaching and team staff are required to be available for both training and games, and they are parents just like you.

  • Coaches are trained to coach at different levels of the game;
  • Team Managers assist the coaches with all the administration involved;
  • Sports Trainers (Level 1 & 2, or League First Aid) are trained First Aid Officers/Sports Trainers assisting the team with any injuries before, during and after the game; and
  • LeagueSafe (more commonly known as ‘water runners’) have the important role of keeping the players hydrated, especially in our climate.

Team Staff are game/team specific and several require qualifications (training provided via NRL approved courses), however a Team Staff role isn’t for everybody.  Not to worry – there are plenty of alternatives to lend a hand with!  Most find the general volunteer tasks rewarding and fun, with roles advertised regularly on our Facebook Page:

  • Saturday and Sunday raffles: this requires about 2 hours on either a Saturday or Sunday afternoon to assist selling raffle tickets at Brothers Leagues Club. We generally do 3 meat tray raffles. These have always been a very successful fundraiser for the club and all proceeds go directly to purchase training gear etc. for our children.
  • Field Marshal: throughout the season, each club is required to provide at least 2 field marshals at the TDJRL and at their home games. A field marshal’s primary role is to ensure that the rules of the TDJRL/TDRL and QRL are followed throughout the day. This is mostly a ‘common sense’ approach.

Please consider volunteering next time you see a request. You will get the opportunity to meet a lot of new people within the club and have fun doing it.  Best of all, you are contributing to the success of our club and the greatest game of all!  Should you be interested in assisting in any way please contact the Club Secretary – Kristy Briskey at

Brothers Townsville RLFC